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Case Studies

Our clients come to us with a challenging mix of work. In the process of capturing client requirements our team proposes innovative solutions that are scalable and a challenge to implement.

We have described some of the challenges faced by a few of our customers in this section of the site. Click on the links to read a complete description of the case study. To know more about our customers and the kinds of solutions we provide please contact us for further information.

Cassandra: Protein Production

Stromboli developed this web based application for Archemix Corporation, a rapidly growing US biotech company based in Cambridge, MA. The application has been in daily use since 2002...

National SureStart Month

Stromboli developed an online database of events for National SureStart Month and integrated it with the Community and Content Management System. The website allowed organisers to register event, get ideas, download leaflets and logos and order promotional items. It allowed parents to find events in their area. The online database was used for all ordering and mailing of one and a half million promotional items, with call centre staff using a private area of the site to record telephone and postal requests.

RNA Selection

This is Stromboli's second web based application for Archemix Corporation, a rapidly growing US biotech company based in Cambridge, MA. The application is an integrated RNA selection system using automation and a relational Database...

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