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.NET Integrated RNA Selection System

This is Stromboli's second web based application for Archemix Corporation, a rapidly growing US biotech company based in Cambridge, MA. The application is an integrated RNA selection system using automation and a relational Database. It is now in constant use allowing researchers to track high throughput experimental data.

The application was written using VB.NET and exposes an N_tier architecture, it is reliable, flexible and scalable. The use of modern, industry standard tools reduce costs and facilitate the development and maintenance of the system by Archemix personnel.

Application specific Architecture:

The protocols used in the selection process are modeled in a relational database. A server application directs the application of a chosen protocol by instructing operatives and automated instruments using web services and web forms. It automatically gathers from operatives and instruments the data produced as the protocol is applied. This data is stored in the database. It can be accessed and queried through a web forms or programmatically by data mining tools.


Instruments are controlled using bespoke drivers. The complexity of individual instruments or groups of instruments is hidden by a uniform access layer. Instruments are accessed as web services. The level of automation of a process can be changed without effecting the protocol management or data layers of the system.


Screen shot from presentation layer.

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